Poetry -- 2007
Poetry from 2007
- The Word – John 1:1-18
- Light
- As the Deer Pants for the Water – Psalm 42, Luke 2:8-20, Luke 10:29-34
- Do We Dance?
- There is a Fountain
- Listen! Do you hear them? – Hark, the Herald Angels Sing!
- He Shall Not be Moved – Psalm 46:1-7
- Extravagant Unbusyness – Looking forward to Stonewall
- Missing Heart
- An Emmaus Walk
- For my enemies? – A poem for 9/11
- Remind Us
- The Circle Continues – Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
- In His Care – Psalm 85
- Free
- Riding the Waves
- Moments
- Lead me, Lord
- Two Trees
- Never Beyond Reach – Psalm 8, John 16:12-15, Romans 5:1-5
- Porch Decision
- Fill this Place, Lord – JesusQuest 07
- Song of Praise
- Blind Ananias – Acts 9:1-20
- What is Our Vision?
- For Them -- John 8:1-11, Mark 10:17-22, Matthew 27:45-50, John 19:28-30
- The Lord Needs It -- Luke 19:28-40
- You are my God – Psalm 63:1-8
- Creation Dances – Psalm 114
- Faceless – 30 Hour Famine paperdolls
- It is Grace -- Luke 15:11-32, but what happened next?
- A Call to Confession – Psalm 32
- We Have Never Been the Same -- Gen 1:3-4, Ps 84:5, Ps 119:105, John 8:12, Rom 5:1-2
- His Heart Could be Comforted – John 14:1-4
- If I Love -- Mark 12:28-31; Corinthians 13
- The Work of Your Hand – Psalm 138
- Stay – Psalm 71
- Light Leading to Light – Matthew 2:1-12, Psalm 72: 1-7, 10-14, Isaiah 60:1-6
- Be My Voice – Psalm 29
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