Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The work of your hand

Psalm 138

All that is in me
My heart, my mind, my soul
Your spirit,
All that is in me
Is lifted to you in praise.

All that is before me,
All that I might be tempted to place before you,
Pales in comparison to you.
"You shall have no other gods before me."
Before all that might tempt me to disobedience,
I sing your praise.

I humble myself before you.
I surrender all to you.
You are my strength and redeemer.
Even your name is beautiful
The words of your mouth are a blessing unspeakable.

When I called, you answered.
In that realization itself I stand amazed.
You strengthen me.
You equip me.
You give me courage when I am fearful.
You give me strength when I am weak.
You know my every need.

The most powerful
The most honored
The famous, the respected, the heroes
All of them bow before you, Lord.
For in your light, all are nothing.

When we find you,
When we hear you,
May we all sing of your glory,
And magnify your name,
For you are God.

You find your joy amid those who praise you.
In the proud you are disappointed.
I walk in this world, O Father,
Surrounded by troubles.
My life is one problem after another.
Sometimes my worries are huge.
But in the midst of all of that,
You are there.
You never leave
You are God
You have claimed me as your own,
Allowed me to call you my God.
And held me in the palm of your hand.

You have a purpose for me.
You whisper it on the wind,
You lead me down your path,
And in your presence I find joy.
Your love for me is unending,
Your grace is beyond abundant.

Remain with me, my God,
I am the work of your hand.



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