Saturday, June 02, 2007

Two Trees

We stand under the tree
and attempt to protect "our territory."
The tree isn't meant for us.
In fact,
years ago,
before time was counted,
we lost our place in paradise
because of this tree.
And yet,
here we are.
Defending the tree
Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Right and Wrong.
As if it is our duty.
As it if is our purpose

Life under this tree is difficult
for its leaves cast no shade.
There is no comfort,
no rest, no grace.
There are no shadows of gray
where forgiveness might flourish.
The air is dry,
The ground is parched.
It is not our home,
and yet we try our best
to make is so.

God has prepared a place for us
in the leafy shade
of the tree of Life.
Here we have purpose.
It is for here that we were created.
Christ died for us,
that we might live in its grace.
Picking its fruit,
and sharing it with neighbors.
Dipping our cups in the living water
which flows around it.
Bringing life to his children.

It is here that we find peace
It is here that we find grace.
"Love me," said God.
"Love each other."
For I have made you a place
And brought you home.

Thanks to this blog for the idea of this poem, which came from a sermon by Yvette Flunder.

Image is from the sky one night driving home.

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