An Amazing Ride

I have been looking back at the past year -- especially the ways in which God has been working in my life over these last 12 months. It seemed kind of self-serving to post it on the blog, so I sat the thought of the post aside, deciding not to write it. However, I wrote an email tonight (last night, if you are reading this on Wednesday) that put the thought back into my mind, and I feel a need to write it. So here's my amazing ride, and be warned that it is probably interesting only to me. Some of the information will be redundant from other posts, and I sense many hyperlinks to be defined. Be warned, and tomorrow will be another post.
It seems that over the past 12 months, I have learned many things about God -- some were not new, but they have been pointed out to me in fresh, new ways. My journey did not begin this year, and it hopefully won't end this year.
- Nurture Chairman -- I had resigned, but then I "unresigned" -- Am I fickle, or what? I think God didn't give up on the pressure until I changed my mind.
- Laity Sunday -- It wasn't the "talk" that was important -- it was the preparation of the "talk" that showed me that God will be in the assembly with me.
- Emmaus Walk -- Way too much happened for a single sentence description, but my take home message was "Trust more, love more."
- Poetry -- I don't write poetry, but I've written 53 of them over the past year. God is in that.
- The blog -- The poetry got it started, and it has developed into a daily discipline. God is everywhere, and if I watch, I can find him every day.
- Reunion Group -- Christian conversation is a means of grace. God works in his own timing, but his timing is worth waiting for.
- Lenten Devotional -- When I asked for seven writers, I got seven. When I asked for more, I got more. Ask, and it shall be given unto you. Our expectations for what we can do with God need to be bigger than they are.
- Prayer Vigil -- Mustard Seed Faith -- It doesn't take complete confidence that something will work to insure it will happen. It takes a step in faith -- just a little step -- and then watch out. God will do wonders, and by the end, He is doing it all.
- JM Emmaus Prayer Hour of the Vigil -- Gather us in a room, and God is there, too. He will make His presence known.
- JesusQuest -- God can do wonders -- He can even get my congregation on its feet to DANCE. Amazing.
- Common Grounds -- Make your plans. Got might have others, and He can do wonders when we get out of His way.
- Spirit Song -- Oh, tons. God is at work in our Youth. Friends turn the ordinary into something special. Always carry paper towels. Worship can happen in an amphitheater when all you expected was some music.
- Vacation Bible School -- Worried? Ask God for help. Don't ask, and he may send it anyway (Thank God!). God doesn't ask us to do what we aren't gifted to do. If we let him, he will use us to do those things for which he has gifted us, and joy will be found.
- Worship/Picnic -- God isn't in the building, the chapel or the picnic shelter. He arrives with the people, and then all is transformed.
- Advent devotional (so far) -- Take the step of faith FIRST, and then watch for God. Doing it the other way doesn't show much faith.
That it's been an amazing ride with You
And I have never walked alone
Image: Another VA sunrise.
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