Sunday, September 17, 2006

Trust or Fear

I wrote in this post about trust versus fear. We either trust or we fear. Ortberg goes on in the same chapter to say that fear disrupts faith. I found this weekend that this is true.

I've said "yes" to a change that will probably happen at the beginning of next year. I'm doing it out of faith -- trust -- that God will help me to do the task which I have agreed to do. Most of the time, while I don't feel comfortable about it, I at least feel as if it was the right choice.

Yesterday a man at church, who I respect and think highly of, said something to me which knocked me from trust to fear. I had no easy answer for him at the time, and as the evening and this morning went on, I found that, to my surprise, the comment was continuing to gnaw away at my trust that my decision had been the correct one. I shoved it to the back of my mind (where things fester) and went on my way.

Steve and I attended a district event this afternoon. Our bishop was in the area and was preaching at a district worship service. It was a great event -- enthusiastic music, worship outside (I'm a sucker for worship outside). Our district lay leader (who is also the infamous Jeff the Methodist) delivered the prayer. It began with a moment of silent prayer. I didn't expect it; I didn't plan it, but the spirit in me reached out for God, and He reached back. I left that moment or two of silent prayer touched by God, and knowing that He was with me, step by step.

The Bishop's sermon was outstanding, but two lines really stuck with me from the afternoon.
  • You have to trust God. Are you willing to trust God?
  • Do not be afraid. (He said it with such force and emphasis that it hit home)

I am a person who was pulled off the path by a remark that was certainly not intended to have the effect that it did. God passed by me this afternoon, and nudged me back in place. Hopefully, the experience of this will make it more difficult for me to wander off the path of faith in the first place. In other words, I hope I've learned something today.



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