Friday, September 08, 2006


I stand in the lab, holding a small, plastic test tube, and all of a sudden am struck by wonder. In the tube is DNA -- the tiny little chemical structure, composed of only four different building blocks. In its simplicity, it is hugely complex, and tells almost every cell of your body what it's function is. It's beautifully created, and I stand mystified by its design. The more I know about it, the more wonder I experience. Some people see a distinct barrier between science and theology -- I have always thought that they can walk hand in hand.

There is joy in being mystified by God. There is a bone-deep awe that can either creep upon us, or take us by shocking surprise.

Look at this line from The More:
I met you like a little child
Wide-eyed and mystified

I wrote once before that a child-like faith has joyful enthusiasm and humble dependence. I wonder if we could also add wide-eyed wonder to the list. As children, we are so ready to be impressed -- to stand in awe -- to admit that we don't have all the answers, and that sometimes something is so beautiful and glorious that it can mystify us.

As adults, we spend a lot of time trying to explain away our wonder. We analyze, we strive to understand, we will even take the effort to attempt to elucidate the cause of a miracle. Do we really want to know all the answers? Can we not be satisified with seeing through a mirror dimly? Isn't there something amazing about being amazed?

I don't mean that we shouldn't strive to learn all that we can about God. Coming to know him more is part of our calling. Bible study, meditation, prayer, discussions with other believers -- all of those are means of grace, and are activities we should persue with vigor. We should ask questions, and probe our beliefs and doubts. The more we know, the closer we get to God.

Just don't forget that sometimes we just need to stand still, and let God take our breath away. I fully believe that the more we know about him, the more amazing he will become to us.

But still, no way are we done yet
I pray that You would keep me mystified,
In every way that I will still abide in You

Image: Fog and sun on the VA hill this morning.


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