Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Tennis matches have begun, and G is playing every evening, Monday through Thursday. He's playing doubles with a young man we will call M. Last year I tried to write down his double scores in my calendar, and kept forgetting to do it. This year, since I'm blogging daily, I'm going to add them to the bottom of each post. It's a Mom thing to do -- just for me -- so feel free to ignore it. If you wonder what the numbers mean, it will be G/M (G and his parter)--score:Opposing school--score.

As we watch him play, we notice that good shots are either hit at the feet of his opponent or hit to where the opponent is not. I think there must be a blog post in that somewhere, but I haven't found it yet.

Scores so far:

Monday -- G/M-8 : Covenant-3 (W)
Tuesday -- G/M-8 : Milton-2 (W)

Image: G about to serve.


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