Holy Ground

Monty, the minister, began his sermon with a prayer, which included the line, "God, remove our sandals so that we will know that we are standing on holy ground."
What a great line. And isn't it truth? Don't we sometimes need God to help us to understand that the ground on which we stand is holy?
One of the lectionary readings this week is from Exodus -- the passage where Moses finds the burning bush -- Exodus 3:1-15.
Read this verse (#3): Then Moses said, "I must turn aside and look at this great sight, and see why the bush is not burned up."
Moses turned aside. He stopped and noticed the bush. He watched it long enough to realize that it was not being consumed.
Do we notice the burning bushes? Do we pay attention to God's intervention in the world? Do we need to ask God to remove those things which distract us or prevent us from noticing that we are standing on holy ground?
God, remove my sandals so that I know that I am standing on holy ground.
Image: St. Mark's sanctuary (taken by G.)
Note: Happy Birthday to J, who is 12 today.
Labels: Old Testament