Friday, August 08, 2008


Before time began to tick for us,
God thought of us.
He held his vision of who we would be
Close in his heart.
He imagined what we would become,
and he breathed life into his thoughts.
We were created in his own image,
carrying his breath.
We were created in his own image,
but each different,
a reflection of his creativity
his love of variety.
Each created in his image
A reflection.

As we live our lives
we move away.
Who do we reflect?
When people look at us,
do they see our creator,
or do they see
what is not of God?

We seem, like a mirror, to reflect
that which is closest to us.
Like a mirror, when we stand near hatred,
we hate.
When we stand near evil,
our lives become a mirror
for what we would never chose
as our reflection.
Near violence, we are violent.
Near apathy, we do not care.
Near disbelief, we chose to doubt.

Away from our God
we fail in our mission
to be a reflection.

Draw us closer, Father
Change us
Polish us
Transform us
So that when we stand here
in this place
what others see
is You.

Images: Laidley Tower, Doors at St. Marks, United Bank Building.



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