Favorite Blogs

First of all, I'm not sure if there ARE blogs I visit daily. Most people don't post daily. I use Bloglines so I don't have to go check blogs to see if they have been updated -- my Bloglines list just gets updated, and then I go check.
But there are a few that I always go read when they have an update:
- The Yarn Harlot -- This is a knitting blog. Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, who knits and writes, updates about 5 times a week. I love it because she's so funny. If you are interested, read this post.
- I always check out Living Stones and The Lyght House. The first one is the Conference blog and the second one is the blog for our Bishop. When I read the Lyght House, I can hear the Bishop's voice. Isn't that strange?
- Voyages of the Artemis is a blog written by Diana Galbadon. She is the author of the Outlander series of books. Her blog talks about writing and life in general, and I enjoy it.
- A new one to my list is Brooklyn Tweed. This is another knitting blog. I enjoy reading it, but most of all, I enjoy LOOKING at it. Photographing knitting is not easy. It's hard to get good images (If I compare the images on this blog to my knitting blog -- I have much better images here!). Jared has great images of knitting. Knitting eye candy.
My list of blogs changes often, depending on my mood, but these are the ones I'm enjoying now.
Labels: Friday5