Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Turn Around

I was reading this morning out of Henri Nouwen's book, Show me the Way. Take a look at this quote:

The mystery of God's love is not that he takes our pain away, but that he first wants to share them with us. Out of this divine solidarity comes new life.
I think that's amazing.

The most obvious example, of course, is Jesus' incarnation and death. He loves us enough -- more than enough -- to share our life as one of us, and then to suffer through our death, as one of us. From that comes new life. For us.

There is a less obvious example, though. Consider repentance.
Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Luke 5:31-32.
God calls us to repentance. I think, though, that this call to turn around and face God is not the way that we earn grace. We can never earn grace; we can never do enough. That's why grace is free. Repentance is not a prerequisite. Repentance is not some test we have to pass, and it is not something God requires of us to level the balance sheet of our sin.

The call to repentance is God's call to allow him to love us. He wants to share in our sin so that we can have new life. Until we give him even that pain, we aren't free to accept grace. Repentance is how we accept the love of God into even this darkest place in our lives.

God doesn't require it; we do. God loves us so much that he will share in our pain so that we can have new life. Turn around and see God.

Image: Flower and bee from the park.

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