Afraid to change

I believe that. I believe that God's strength is seen very clearly in my weaknesses. When I give up, when I let go, God can go to work, using anything in my life -- including my weaknesses -- for his glory.
We started talking to the source of our weaknesses. Where does our desire to be controlling, our lack of self-confidence, our pride or our emotional natures come from? Do we learn it? Are we born with it? Does our environment shape us? Has God made us the way that we are, or has the world?
Are our weaknesses really weaknesses? I think some of mind obviously are, but JtM made the point that something we might consider to be a weakness could actually be seen to be a strength by someone else.
Someone else said that we need to know our strengths and our weaknesses so that we will focus our efforts on using our strengths -- being good stewards of that which God has given us.
I think that often what we fear is that we will be challenged to use our weaknesses. I think that sometimes we avoid the growth that will come when we give our weaknesses to God, and he leads us to that place where we have to change. Are there times when we are afraid to be more than we think we are?
Image: Animal Kingdom
Labels: Epistles