Monday, March 17, 2025

Prayer Beads

I mentioned that I was (last month) involved in a class called "Reading the New Testament with Fresh Eyes." While working my way through that class, I came to realize that my prayer life has not been as intentional as it was during previous times of my life. So I decided to work to change that.

Once of the ways in the past that I have included intentional prayer time is through the use of Anglican Prayer beads. The link I've provided is where I first read about them, and where I have purchased them in the past.

I've mentioned them several times on my blog - you can find the posts (and some others that crept into the search) at this link. At that link, you'll find a post about how to make them if that is of interest to you, plus how to use them, and how I've used them.

I especially like them because using them with a particular prayer slows my mind down and centers me. When I reach the cross after one time around the beads using the prayer, my mind is centered enough for me to connect with God through my own prayers.



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