Monday, December 19, 2005

Evil Dinosaurs

The ministers at our church do our "Children's Moment" in a rather unique way. (Can something be 'rather unique?' Probably it is unique or it isn't...) Each week one of the children brings a cloth bag to church that he/she was given the week before. In it is an item of the child's choosing. This item becomes the centerpiece of the next week's children's moment.

This week, our associate pastor, Carol, centered the moment around the toy brought the week before -- a Power Ranger.

"What do Power Rangers do?" she asked the children.

"They fight off evil...they save people"

Already you can see the obvious comparison.

"Power Rangers fight evil. What does Jesus fight against?"

Answer from one child, "Evil Dinosaurs."

To us it seems like the child was mixing metaphors -- Jesus and King Kong, perhaps. But really, I think he was right. What do we fear the most? Perhaps to this child, evil dinosaurs are the ultimate in scary. What could we give to God that we are trying (and failing) to handle ourselves? What are our evil dinosaurs? And isn't it time to hand them to our Power Ranger?

Isaiah 11:6 -- The wolf shall dwell with the lamb,and the leopard shall lie down with the kid,and the calf and the lion and the fatling together,and a little child shall lead them.


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