Thursday, December 01, 2005

A Conversation

Luke 1: 26-38

The night was silent.
Darkness had settled like a shroud.
It was that part of the night when nothing is awake.
When stillness covers everything
And doubt obliterates even the stars.

The ground around the tiny house
Was trampled down, worn with use.
Inside, a young girl lay in her bed,
Crying, doubting, afraid.

Why did I say yes?
What will happen to me now?

An angel had visited her earlier
And told her the unbelievable, the miraculous.
She had said yes.
Who was she to be the mother of God?
Who was she to be a mother at all?

In the quiet
In the darkness
In the midst of her doubts,
She heard a voice,
And felt a presence.
She knew it to be God.

What is it, Mary?
Why are you crying?

I am afraid.

Set aside your fear, Mary,
Know that I am with you.
Through this night, into tomorrow,
Through everything that will happen.
You are not alone.
I know that you are afraid tonight,
And it will not be the last time.
But even through the worst,
I will comfort you.

Why have you chosen me?

You have been chosen
Because you are the mother that
Our son will need.
Your faith and your trust in me
Will give you strength.
And even through the worst,
You will comfort me.

Why are you doing this at all?

I do this because I love you.
I do this because you are mine.
Through our son you will see me.
It is the only way to make you understand.
Perhaps if you see me, if you know me,
Then you will realize how much I love you,
And you will allow me to save you.
All of you. Each of you.
And through the worst,
You will know me.

Death will slink away
Darkness will be lifted.
Doubt and fear will be quenched,
The trampled ground will heave a sigh of relief,
The star will shine brightly.
We will know the love of God.



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