Friday, December 02, 2005

A Father's Fear

Matthew 1:18-25

The sun beat down
Upon the hot, dry earth.
He tried to shove his anger into the wood
As he labored with it.
He planed away pieces of it
To lay scattered and broken in the dirt.
As if the wood could absorb all of his misgivings
His resentment.
His fear.

He was betrothed to a young girl.
His dreams, his plans, his honor
Were tied together into his marriage to her.
But she was pregnant
And he had not touched her.

He had had it under control.
He would set her aside.

But an angel had come to visit him
Telling him the impossible. The unbelievable.
And he had said yes.
Who was he to act as father to God?
Who was he to be a father at all?

His anger, his resentments and his fear
Mingled with his sweat
As he slammed the plane into the wall.
Silence beat into the ground with the heat.
He heard a voice
And felt a presence
He knew it to be God.

Joseph, my son, what it is?
Why are you so angry?

She was mine, and now she is not.

She is still yours,
But you both are mine.
She will be a wife to you
Who will love you, comfort you
And be the mother of your children.
She is the wife that you need.
As you protect this woman today
You will find your future.

Why must I be the one?

You will be the father
That my son will need.
You will teach him
How to work with his hands,
How to care for his family.
You will teach him what it is to be human.
As you protect this boy as he grows
You will find the salvation of the world

How can I do this?

Set aside your anger, Joseph,
And put aside your fear.
You can do this because you are not alone.
You belong to me.
I love you, and will hold you close.
I will never forsake you.
Your faith and trust in me
Will give you the strength you need.

Fear and anger will fade away
The dry, hot earth will receive living water.
When the worst does come
And the wood absorbs His blood
What is broken shall be whole.
We will know the love of God.



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