Luke 1: 5-22The rain poured down
Changing the hard packed dirt to mud.
Pounding on the roof of the house
Where the old man sat.
His whole body ached
with the years that were piled on his shoulders.
His mind was burdened with responsibilities.
His heart was heavy with regret.
He had served his God all his life
And now he felt alone.
His whole life had been wrapped
In his belief in God.
His faith had been his salvation.
His home, his wife, his time,
All had belonged to God.
He had been given an opportunity,
A chance to sing praise to God.
An angel had visited him
And had told him the unexplainable, the ridiculous.
He had said no.
How could he possibly be the father of a prophet?
How could he possibly be a father at all?
In the gloom, in the heavy darkness
He sat despondent, silent, deserted.
As the rain pounded down
Leaving behind mud and disappointment.
The only sound its impact.
He heard a voice
And felt a presence
He knew it to be God.
What is it, Zechariah?
Why are you so sad?
I have failed you.
I sent an angel, my son
To bring you great news
An answer to your prayers,
And you doubted the evidence of my favor
Even though it stood right before you.
I meant to bring you joy,
And I was disappointed in your doubt.
But you have not failed.
Have you abandoned me?
I will never leave you.
I am your God; you are my child.
I am sending you a son
Who will bring you great joy and desperate sorrow.
The love you will feel for John
Will encompass you; will overflow your soul.
But it will pale compared to the love I have for you.
Could you ever stop being a father?
Then believe the same of me.
Will you forgive me?
Set aside your guilt, Zechariah,
Turn away from your doubt.
Accept that you are already forgiven.
Your son will be a herald
Clearing the path for my own son.
One will follow the other into death.
And we will mourn together.
Hope will spring from blood,
And forgiveness will cover all like rain.
Washing away guilt.
The silent will shout with joy.
Burdens will be lifted
And pain will disappear.
We will know the love of God.