Friday, October 14, 2011


Today's Friday Five:
(From RevGalBlogPals): So, I don't know about you, but I have had quite the scattered week. Sometimes, life is that way, right?  In the spirit of Scattered-ness, I offer you a scattery kind of Friday Five:
  1. I lose my keys all of the time. Even if they are in my hand, I still am looking for them. Sigh!  What is something you chronically looking for, if anything?  It used to be shoes -- I would just drop them anywhere in the house.  I try to make sure I put them in the closet now, so that's not as much of a problem.  I'm always looking for my sunglasses.  I often misplace whatever it is that I have in my hand -- "I just had that!  Where is it?"  I always lose the scissors and tape when I am wrapping gifts.  I've even tied them together, but then I just lose them both!
  2. What movie are you looking forward to watching sometime in the future? (me, the new Footloose!)I love movies, but I can't think of one that is coming out that is on my list of "I must go see it as soon as it comes out."  I am looking forward to the premier of Bones on TV, but that's not a movie.
  3. What is one of your favorite comfort foods? (me, pizza. hands down).  Chocolate!
  4. Story time. Tell us a story of one your favorite people that has touched, blessed your life.  I'm blessed that many favorite people touch my life.  A story from today -- Steve went to a funeral today of a man who died unexpectedly at 54 years old.  He left behind at least a couple of children -- two adults, one of them 18.  The 18 year old spoke at his father's funeral.  Steve was texting Grant, who told him what a terrific father he is.  I know that he is, and I know Grant thinks so, too, but I'm glad he articulated that to his father.
  5. What do you do to focus or calm or center yourself? (please, I need ideas!!!)  Knit.  Read.  Photograph.  Watch television (is that considered a centering activity?).  Use prayer beads in prayer.  Write.  Talk.



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