Saturday, September 10, 2011

Never his love

Father Mychal Judge was killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center.  He was chaplain for the fire department (I think).  At his funeral, these words were spoken:
And so, this morning we come to bury Myke Judge's body, but not his spirit.
We come to bury his voice, but not his message.
We come to bury his hands, but not his good works.
We come to bury his heart, but not his love. Never his love.
The work we do for and through and with and beside God is eternal.  The message, the good works, the spirit and the love are forever - they have a lasting impact on people's lives.  God changes the world through what we do and say. 

I pray that the same words spoken at Mychal Judge's funeral can be spoken at our of our funerals. 

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