Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sparkle of Grace

One of my favorite things to find in a church is a baptismal font filled with water. The one at the church where our offices are located sits outside the Chapel. It is open, and is always filled with water. I can't walk by it without touching the water; I welcome the grace of the reminder of who and whose I am.

When we were at Kenova UMC a few weeks ago, I slid the lid off of the font and found wonderfully clear water, but what surpised me was what was resting at the bottom of the water -- clear glass rocks and seashells. It was beautiful, sparkling and inviting touch.

Do we ever slide the lids off of our baptism -- our claim by God -- and wonder at the surprise of the beauty of it -- the sparkle of God's grace? Dip in your hand and be refreshed. What are you waiting for?



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