Tuesday, July 14, 2009


We're at the beach. We have internet access in our room, but it is horrible. I have a picture which inspired this post, but I'm not sure I'll be able to upload it. I'm not even sure I'll be able to post the words, but we'll see.

Picture in your mind a man walking on the beach with a metal detecotr. He's also carrying a large handle scoop to be used to sift sand, hunting for his treasure. He just walks and sweeps the detector, looking for who knows what.

What kind of treasure does he hope to find? Why spend so much time hunting for what you don't even know exists, and probably won't find?

Do we do that? Do we hunt for that which isn't very valuable? Do we try to fill what is missing with what we don't need while ignoring the pearl without price?



Blogger bob said...

Often we run here and there trying to fill the empty space in our lives only to find that it is God shaped.

4:44 AM  

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