Sunday, July 05, 2009


We took at look at the Ten Commandments today in Sunday school. The lesson looked briefly at each one.

The class seemed to get stuck on the idea of not taking the name of the Lord in vain. We touched briefly on the idea of using the name of the Lord to support actions which are all our own, and not in line with God's will. The conversation then turned abruptly to the idea of speaking God's name in vain. The class spent a large amount of time lamenting this reality in society and how we don't speak out against it.

We finally moved on, and made it to the idea of keeping the Sabbath. The discussion turned to Blue laws, and how awful it is that stores are open on Sundays.

I was bothered by the whole conversation. Where is the self-examination? Why do we spend so much time talking about the faults of society and not claiming any responsibility? Why is it that we don't look at the Ten Commandments and seek to discover how we can align ourselves more to the laws of God? Why don't we speak of grace? Why would we spend the 45 minutes of Sunday school talking about everybody else?

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Blogger Eric Helms said...

It is easier to be upset at the restaurant manager for not letting a young church member worship on Sundays than it is to decide not to go out to eat after church.

9:26 PM  
Blogger TN Rambler said...

It's always easier to gripe about the speck in the other person's eye than it is to deal with the log in our own.

9:28 PM  
Blogger bob said...

I believe when talking about the commandments people want to keep a vagueness about their conversations. It's one thing to admit your a sinner it's another to admit particular sins.

6:21 AM  

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