Thursday, February 19, 2009

Without God

I was in a meeting this week of church leaders. We were having a discussion about church growth and the possibility of using neighborhood meetings as a means to invite others into fellowship. The hope is that once a guest becomes integrated into this kind of social situation, that it would be easier to invite him or her to worship and church.

There is an Emmaus saying: "Make a friend, be a friend, bring your friend to Jesus."

Good idea.

What bothered me about the conversation was the reason for church growth. "We need invite others to church because we have something good to offer here."

Is that a reason for evangelism?

It worries me that until we understand WHY we are inviting others to worship and church, that we won't have much success. It isn't for church growth. It isn't because we have good programming to offer or good sermons or because we have a good time together in fellowship.

I read Bishop Lyght's blog this evening. He says that evangelism "is a matter of knowing that one’s life is better off because of one’s relationship with God, and wanting others to benefit from such a relationship. Has being a Christian made any difference in your life? If so, you will want to share that reality with other people."

We are called to make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. I think until we get that, until we understand that a relationship with God lies at the heart of evangelism (as the Bishop points out) that we won't have much success.

Until we get that, we won't invite God into the process. I believe that without God, we will not succeed.



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