Two years ago today, Sandpiper’s Thoughts was born as a blog. Today is its two-year
I went back in time and read the post from
November 29, 2006 – the one year
blogiversary. I did some comparisons as I read – what has changed on the blog? What has changed in how or why I blog?
Just the Facts, Ma’am:Today’s post is #823. That means that I have added 399 posts in this past year. As of this minute, the blog has had 20,703 hits, which means that in the past year, the blog has had 12, 557 hits, which is a 54% increase over last year. The most number of hits in a month – either this year or the entire two years, was in September, 2007, with 1400 in one month. Does any of that matter? No, but I count things – that’s me.
In the past year, of the 399 posts, 35 of them have been poems, which means that in the last two years, I have written 95 poems. (which can be found here (
2005), here (
2006) and here (
2007)). That’s fewer this year than last, and I may know the reason for that, which I’ll explain later.
Every day has had a post. Six of those posts have been guest
bloggers – Steve the husband, Jeff the Methodist and G the son. (For a list of those posts, see the sidebar). Guest
bloggers are one of my greatest blessings, and I thank all three of them for taking the time to write and for allowing me to post their thoughts.
I talked last year about why I blog, and many of those reasons are still true. I have found this year that it is harder to post every day, and harder to find things to write about. I don’t think that is because there is less to write about, but instead that my eyes may not be as open and my ears may not be listening as closely as they were last year. It’s a problem that I’
ve been working on.
Some stretches of time I find that I have several ideas for posts – rich times when writing is much easier. Other times I struggle each day to find an idea, and I think that some of my posts, especially the ones written later at night, reflect that problem.
I have noticed that I am reading less this year. Many of my posts are begun in my mind by nuggets that I read. I think this is affecting much of my spiritual life – I need to read more, so I’ll make that a blog-
olution (that’s a resolution, sort of).
I write later in the day – that’s a problem, because even with great ideas, writing I do later at night is not as well thought out or as well written as what I write when I am not tired. I need to make time
earlier each day to at least plan what I am going to write – blog-
olution, #2.
ve noticed lately that my posts are also less scripture supported. I think I can trace that back to less morning devotional time. The mornings are rushed, and for a few weeks last month, I even stopped doing devotionals. I’
ve been back at it for a couple of weeks. Last year I took the time each morning to write down a few thoughts after reading my devotional – I’ll try to get back to that because it focuses my thoughts after I read. Blog-
olution, #3.
Lastly, I find that I’m not paying as much attention to what is happening around me so that I have fewer “blog starters.” I think this is why I have less poetry, too. I’m not listening as much for God to lead me in this. So there’s blog-
olution #4 – Listen more.
ve thought, fleetingly, about releasing the discipline of daily writing, but I’m not willing to do that. Even if I’m not as pleased with some of the posts, I know myself well enough to know that if I stop writing daily, I’ll stop writing at all. So daily it will be. I need to write – for myself, and for my journey with God.
Best Blogging Experience this yearI don’t really know. I know I have had blessings this year.
Commenters are always a blessing – to read what what I have written has caused other people to think is always a gift. To know that what I have written has moved someone else to take the time to comment is a gift.
As I mentioned a moment ago, guest
bloggers are wonderful. I can never comprehend that other people would value this endeavor enough to take the time to write specifically for it, and to allow me to post it. It’s a wonderful grace for me.
I love to write the poetry, even though it
doesn’t happen very often. The poetry always comes quickly and with very little editing – it just “arrives” and that is a great experience for me.
Thank you for reading – thank you for commenting – thank you for stopping by, and I hope to see you again next year.
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