Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Don't tell me

We're here at SPLAT, as I mentioned on Monday. We arrived today, and have walked through the EXPO and experienced worship in a coliseum.

There are many things that you can tell me, and I would believe you. You can tell me that tomatoes are a fruit (even though they seem to be vegetables), that sugar and caffeine can make a child act like a wind up toy, and even that if you carry an umbrella, it won't rain, and I will believe you.

After tonight, though, there are things that you should avoid telling me, because I will know that you are wrong.

  • Don't tell me that the simple movement of hands in light, creating shadows, couldn't possibly be funny, and I will know you are wrong. I have watched Bob Stromberg do it, and I laughed myself silly. How can light and shadows possibly look like a camel?
  • Don't tell me that worship in a coliseum couldn't be authentic, because I have seen and experienced it, and I will know that you are wrong.
  • Don't tell me that God cannot be found in the noise, because I have heard him, and I will know that you are wrong.
  • Don't tell me that teenagers are too young, or too distracted, or too selfish to notice the presence of God, because I have seen their faces during worship, and I will know that you are wrong.
  • Don't tell me that men do not nurture youth or care about faith, because I have seen them walking around with their youth groups and I have heard them singing (praise choruses, no less), and I will know that you are wrong.
  • Don't tell me that youth aren't touched by God, or that they will not speak of Him, because I have seen them and heard them, and I will know that you are wrong.
  • Don't tell me that a youth group can't come together after a long day of travel, and experience God walking among them during a time of devotion, because I have heard Him in their voices, felt His rhythm in their reading, and seen His light shining from their eyes, and I will know that you are wrong.

God walks among youth. He has taken up residence in Greensboro this week, and so far, it has been joy.

Image: Youth gathered for worship at SPLAT



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