Saturday, July 07, 2007

Prophet of gloom

I'm teaching Sunday school tomorrow. The lesson is based on Zephaniah 3:1-5, 8-9. If you read that, you'll see that it is a very gloomy prophecy about the future of Judah. The lesson is entitled "Getting Ready for Judgment."

I'm not particularly excited about teaching this lesson. Where is the grace in this?

Therefore wait for me, says the Lord, for the day when I arise as a witness.For my decision is to gather nations, to assemble kingdoms,to pour out upon them my indignation, all the heat of my anger;for in the fire of my passion all the earth shall be consumed. Verse 8
Is it wrong of me to prefer to teach about how Amazing is God's Grace, rather than God raining judgment on his people?

I'm not teaching my own class tomorrow; I'm teaching a class which follows the International Series Lessons faithfully. If I were teaching my class, I would have the freedom to choose something else. In some ways having curriculum that is followed faithfully makes me less creative, and sometimes I think it makes me lazy -- I don't have to hunt for what I want to teach -- I just pick up the books, and work up the lesson.

On the other hand, if I could choose to not teach these kind of lessons, then I would miss out on parts of the Bible that I would rather not read and rather not teach, so I suppose there is a benefit to this.

As I sidenote, I was disappointed with the teacher's manual this time. The activities suggested in the lesson are:

  1. Read a hymn called "Sinners Turn: Why will you die" by Charles Wesley. (I did try to work this in)
  2. Bring in several different warning labels and have the class discuss them.
  3. Bring in the speech by Osama bin Laden, warning of the destruction of the US. Ask, "Who are the believable prophets of doom today." The question is OK. I'm not prepared to use their illustration. I don't think it is a very good one.
Here's hoping that it goes well. I'm not particularly looking forward to it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim, While lessons like yours for this morning are hard, there importance are not lessened. I think it is important to be balanced so we can get as complete a picture of God as we can.

6:05 AM  
Blogger Along the Narrow Path said...

While I'm not a Sunday School teacher, I do teach in a school setting. There are things I don't like to teach, but it's necessary for my kids. That goes the same for church. I think everyone would like to teach about all the positive things, but sometimes we need to be reminded about God's judgement to keep us on the path.

7:04 AM  

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