Monday, June 17, 2024

Factors Impacting a Vision

 Paying careful attention to Nehemiah 2:11-18, we learn that a variety of factors influenced the shaping of his vision. What were the important elements contributing to his vision? What can contemporary leaders learn from this?

A few thoughts:
  • He spent some time in discerning, for himself, the current conditions in Jerusalem. He didn’t rely on what others were telling him. I think we fall into an uninformed trap when we only listen to what others are saying about a situation. We need to work to determine for ourselves what current conditions are – working with God to see where we are will help us to discern where God wants us to go.
  • Once Nehemiah had done this, he was able to communicate clearly to those who would be involved in the reconstruction what the mission was – where they were starting and where they would be going. I’ve seen really good fundraisers do this. They will explain the current situation to a group of people, and then invite them to join in the ministry of meeting the needs that are before them.
  • He explained to the group (I assume this is the nobles, the priest, the officials, and those who would do the work) that “the hand of God had been gracious” and the King was supporting him. I think we learn from this not only that we are following God in what we are doing, but that we need to communicate that to those who will be involved in the ministry. It is an act of faith to share a God given mission (and that it is a mission given by God). 

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