Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Annual Conference Sunday School

Last Sunday, I taught Sunday school at Annual Conference.  I've taught it for several years now.  I've noticed a few things:
  • It starts at 8:00 a.m., prior to the 9:30 start of the Commissioning/Ordination service.  After a long few days of Annual Conference, I think it takes a special person to come to Sunday school at 8:00.  I'm grateful that some people do, and that some of the class has been there every year I've taught.  It's a habit for them.
  • We use the Adult Bible Study curriculum.  There are those who don't want to miss that - they do it every Sunday at their home church, and this keeps them connected when they are away.
  • I'm excited by how active the discussions are.  I plan a full lesson, but it is made so much better by the discussion.
  • I've noticed that the people who come to Sunday school at Annual Conference probably have a more traditional faith than I do.  They have a strong faith (I hope I do, too), but I doubt we agree on most things of faith.  That said, I love teaching this class because I make it a point to teach from my own faith in a way that honors theirs. It really keeps me on my toes, and is a wonderful challenge.
  • In times of division, it would seem  that this class would demonstrate the evidence of this division.  It is a real example of how we can get along with each other, honor each other, and make space for God's grace among us.  For the past couple of years, it has been a real oasis of what the spirit can do among us.  


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