Thursday, June 13, 2024

Clear Vision

Effective leadership requires a clear vision. Can you think of times in the life of your church when you were guided by a clear, inspiring vision? What impact did it have?

Several years ago, our church did a “natural church development” evaluation (determining what parts of the “wall” were broken).  We decided we did not have a clear mission or vision. We worked with a facilitator to develop and discern those statements. At one point in the process, when we felt “stuck,” our pastor sent us out to different parts of the church to sit, meditate, and pray. We came back and finished the statements.  I’m not sure if they have always guided the work we do – I think in some ways they have – but these many years later, they are still our vision and mission.
This next example isn’t a church example, but instead about the Foundation where I work. We undertook a strategic planning process.  During a retreat with our board members, we heard each discussion table bring forth “culture of generosity.” We changed our mission statement and stook strategic steps to integrate that into our work. We now have programming each year to help individuals and churches to develop a culture where generosity is part of their “DNA.” That vision has made a large change in our work as a Foundation, and I hope in our annual conference.



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