Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Always a great day?

A donor called me the other day to talk about his accounts. I not sure why he thought I sounded down, but he said, “Are you having a good day?”  I assured him I was (and I was truthful - it was a fine day).  He told me that I should remember that every day is a good day because God is in it.

I talked to him a few days later, and he told me the same thing.
I’ve thought about those conversations since then.  Is every day a good day because God is in it? Don’t get me wrong - I think God is in every day, and there is a certain goodness in the day because of that, but there are days that are terrible.  Horrible.  There are days that are blah. There are days that are sad or lonely.

God is in all of them, and God brings us through the terrible, horrible, blah, sad, and lonely days as well as the good ones. It seems to me that calling every day “good” can ignore the truth of the day. Sometimes acknowledging the truth of the day pulls back the curtain for us to see and experience God.

I’m ever so thankful for the days where the presence of God is real and visible in the greatness of the day. And I’m grateful for the presence of God when the day is lousy.  


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