Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Defining Reality

Nehemiah’s simple statement, “You see the trouble we are in,” is a succinct reminder that one of a leader’s most critical roles is to define reality. What are the troubles plaguing your congregation or community? How might you learn more about your community’s needs?

At our Annual Conference last weekend, we heard a presentation from Michael Beck (  A couple of things rang true for me regarding the issues in our churches and communities (and I think they apply to my church and community).  He said we are in an epidemic of loneliness; the people around us feel alone.  In addition, 1 in 3 Americans have faced religious trauma.  When people come to our churches (if they do), they are met with a lack of compassion.  He also said that we answer the questions they are not asking – the question they are asking is how to find wholeness.

I think these are all issues that are facing my own church community.  I believe they are often motivated by a self-preservation as a church. They find it hard (in some ways) to demonstrate to the unchurched that there is a reason that they could find what they are searching for at our church. Some of us are not very good at reaching out to people who do not attend church and inviting them to join us (followed through with “walking with them” when they accept the invitation.

In our community, issues that define reality are sometimes addiction, busyness, lack of community, and a lack of conviction that church could bring them what they are searching for.

I think ways to learn more about your community’s needs include training from experts who have intentional studies of your community to share.  Also, our conference offers access to Mission Insight, a demographics service that can describe your specific church community.  Prayer can help us to discern our community’s needs.  And the most direct method would be to ask them. 



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