Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Still thinking about Terry's sermon (I posted about it yesterday)....

I wonder if Nicodemus understood Jesus during their nighttime conversation that was reflected in John 3?  Does bringing the spices to the tomb after the crucifixion reflect the possibility that his faith was not changed?  Or that he had questions about what Jesus had told him?

It's important to remember that part of the reason for the converstion in John 3 was to allow John the place for us to hear the questions Nicodemus had - and that we, as readers, might have.  And to hear Jesus' answer for them.

And then we have Nicodemus, coming with Barnabas to the tomb, bringing spices to prepare the body after death.  A body that we know - from this side of the Bible - won't be there.  Should Nicodemus have known that?

And what does it matter?  

My thoughts around this question dance with the idea that it doesn't matter.  Nicodemus went to the tomb.  Whether he completely believed or understood Jesus or not, he went to the tomb.

Whether we understand or not - whether we fully believe or not - the action of coming to Jesus is what is important. The truth is that we will never fully understand God - if you think you do, you are kidding yourself.  The truth is that doubt is OK. Prevenient grace was made for doubt, don't you think? 

 Doubt should never be a barrier to God.  

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Anonymous Ennish said...

Gratefull for sharing this

9:12 AM  

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