Wednesday, February 19, 2020

I waited

Loosely inspired by Psalm 40

I waited patiently for the Lord.
Well, sort of.  Kind of.
I waited for the Lord because I had no other choice.
Thankfully, the Lord noticed, and listened to me.

God lifted me up.
It wasn't easy.
The mud clung to my feet.
I was stuck, but God
lifted me up,
God stood me on solid ground.
Secure ground.

I confess, my words were not grace-filled.
God put a new song in my mouth.
And I praised God..

The taste of my words were much more pleasing
to both of us.
I pray others will hear this song
and learn to trust in God.

With God's new song,
With my feet on a firm foundation
My heart has changed.
I want to do the work God has given me.
I want to follow God's leading.
It is joy to hear my call.

Now I tell those around me the Good News
News of deliverance and grace.
News of salvation.
Now it's hard for me to stop talking
when before my words were dust.

I pray those who hear me,
those who see me,
will see my new heart,
and know God has changed me.
and know God has done this,
and know God brings salvation
for me and for them.

Thank you, God, for your mercy,
for your steadfast love,
for you faithfulness.

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