Tuesday, February 18, 2020


The posts this week have been based on part of a Sunday school lesson I taught from  the first chapter of the book, "Light of the World: the Meaning of Memory" by Amy-Jill Levine.  At the end of the lesson, I gave the class homework with the goal of trying to help them to create a space to hear the voice of God.  Here are the options I gave them altered a little to expand them beyond Advent.  Is there one that you might try?
  • If you want to know about what it means that John was to be the new Elijah (which we didn’t  discuss at all), read Malachi 4:5-6 and compare it to Luke 1:16-17.  This one is very specific to the lesson and to Advent, but it leads us to the idea that understanding scripture requires homework.  It's not understanding through simple osmosis (or only attending Sunday school).
  • Consider ways to re-hear the gospel.  Reread either the Magnificat (Mary’s song) or the  Benedictus (Zechariah’s song).  Rewrite them in your own words.
  • Use your phone’s timer and sit in a quiet place for 2 minutes.  What does 2 minutes of silence  feel like? Can you be silent for 5 minutes? 10 minutes?
  • Choose a book and read it during Advent – a little at a time so that you can savor it.  And it doesn't have to be only during Advent.  
  • Start today and read one chapter of Luke a day.  After 24 days, you will have read the whole  book.



Anonymous Allen N said...

Appreciate you blogging thhis

10:04 AM  

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