Wednesday, January 22, 2020


I was riding the elevator this afternoon.  There are expectations about elevator protocol, aren't there?  Are you like me, and I suspect like many other people, who expect that when there are a few people in the elevator, we all spread out in the available space so that no one is too close to someone else?  When more people join the elevator crowd, we adjust, so that we are all evenly spaced.  We're closer together than before, but that's OK, because there are  more of us.  When someone exits, we adjust again.


Today, on the elevator, there were three of us.  The woman in front of me didn't adjust her spacing and was standing too close, and there was a bunch of empty space in front of her.  

I think we assume that everyone has the same expectations.  In an elevator, and in life.  But the truth is, we don't. And that isn't good or bad, it just is fact. 

We all don't approach life in the same way, we all have very different experiences in life, and different preoccupations and distractions.  

We need to remember that - in the elevator, and everywhere else.



Blogger revweez said...

LOVE the way you made such a great point in such a short essay.
It was to the point, creative, and gave me thoughts to springboard for pondering.\
Thank you...Louise

10:55 AM  

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