Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Proclaiming the Prayers

The devotional I was reading this afternoon talks about a time that the author was climbing a hill near a retreat center in Cody, Wyoming.  Along the way were piles of stones.  The author imagined that they were placed there as people prayed special prayers.  The stones themselves were speaking the prayers of the people.

I was reminded of a headstone I photographed near Flatwoods, WV.  It was covered with glass stones, laid in patterns on the headstone.  I wondered why they were there.  I wonder if each time a loved one visited the grave, if a stone was placed in prayer. 

Joe spoke with the children during the Children's Moment this past Sunday.  He brought clay prayer bowls and small, round prayer balls.  With each prayer, the user places a ball in the bowl, to symbolize the prayer sent to God.

Rocks, glass stones, clay balls -- all speaking the prayers of the people.  As Psalm 19 says, "the heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork."

May God hear our prayers.  Amen.

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