Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Praying Psalm 19

On of the devotionals I read last week suggested praying Psalm 19.  I've often heard the phrase, "praying the psalms," but haven't done much with it, so I prayed Psalm 19.  As I prayed, I reworded the Psalm to be a prayer.  The following is not what I prayed, but my attempt to make Psalm 19 into a prayer.

Heavenly Creator,
Your creation is telling of your glory,
The earth proclaims your work.
Each day speaks of your power,
Each night declares your knowledge.
Even though I can't hear them,
their voice resounds throughout your entire creation,
their words to the end of the world.

In heaven you have created a home for the sun
and you direct its travels across the sky each day,
strong and unchanging in its passage.
Light shines in the darkness,
the entire world feels the heat.

Your law is perfect.
It revives my weary soul.
Your words are sure
and they speak to me of understanding.
Your law is right.
It brings joy to my heart
Your words are clear,
and they open my eyes.

I pray my reverence of you may be pure
and that it will be everlasting.
You are truth and righteousness.

I desire to know you
To be known by you
more than I desire gold,
even the finest gold,
more than I desire honey,
even from the sweetest honeycomb.

By your words
I am warned
In living them,
I am rewarded.
I cannot
or will not
see my faults.
Search them out and forgive them,
I pray.

Do not let me be led astray.
Keep me in your presence
so that I shall be blameless in your forgiveness.
Righteous by your grace alone.

Let what I say and what I think,
Let what I do and what I feel,
be acceptable in your sight,
my Lord and my Redeemer.

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