Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Joyful Attitude

This image is of a bluebird.  Not a very good picture, I admit it, but it is so rare to see a bluebird that I'm posting it anyway. 

I was in a waiting room today with a woman who was more negative than anyone else I've met recently.  No matter what anyone said, no matter what comment was made on the television, her reaction was a negative one.

When I got in the car to drive to my next destination, the radio announcer said, "We need to adapt a joyful attitude."  Too bad she couldn't tell the lady in the waiting room that.

I believe in God.  I don't believe in the magic of a positive attitude -- I don't believe that if we just are optimistic, that nothing bad will happen.  I do believe, though, that a joyful, optimistic attitude can make our lives easier to live, and more enjoyable to walk through.

I think that joyful attitude would include the following:
  • There is enough worry for today without borrowing it from tomorrow.  Face and manage the problems for today, but let tomorrow's problem wait until tomorrow. Most of the time (not always, but most of the time), what we worry about doesn't happen.
  • Assume that you don't have all of the information you think you have.  Usually we don't know everything, and sometimes what we don't know makes a huge difference in reality.
  • When the time comes, deal with whatever it is (this is the hardest one for me).  You'll feel better once you've tackled the problem.
  • Pray about it.  Don't forget.
  • Forgive people, even when they don't ask for forgiveness, even when they don't act regretful, even if the other person never knows you have forgiven them, or even that they hurt you.  Forgive and let go.
  • Apologize.  Even if you think the other person did something wrong.  You probably did something wrong, too.  Even if you didn't do anything wrong, you are sorry for the break in the relationship.  Apologies build bridges and repair rifts in a relationship.  Sometimes the healing is more important than the rightness. (maybe always?). 
  • Find the positive in the situation.  Find the humor.  Find the story you will tell your friends. 
  • Sometimes, just walk away. Disengage.
  • Forgive yourself.
  • Move closer to God, for there you will find joy.

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