Sunday, January 08, 2012

Different Shoes

This evening we got ready and went to the mall.   I had changed clothes after church, so before we left the house, I went to my closet pulled out a black loafer and its mate.  At least, that's what I thought I had done.  I did pull out a black loafer, but not its mate.

When we were going up the escalator at Sears, I looked down, and found that I was wearing one black loafer and one brown loafer.  These shoes were obviously -- very obviously -- different shoes.  I think a mother and her daughter in the restroom were laughing at me.  I had to tell the clerk we working with in the appliance department what I had done so that she didn't think I was just crazy.

My guys really got a kick out of my mismatched shoes.  Steve took a picture; Josh laughed and laughed.

So funny.  Right.

So, does Christianity ever make us stand out like that.  Do we sometimes feel as if people are pointing and laughing?  I wonder if perhaps it should make us that self-conscious  Shouldn't, at least sometimes, our faith be so radical that other people notice how different we are, and perhaps how illogical we are?

Aren't there times when being a Christians should feel like wearing two different shoes?


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