Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Last Friday's question from RevGalBlogPals was this - name five things you like about where you live now. That's not really a question, is it?


  1. I like the size of the city where I live. It's not too small, compared to many other towns in the state, and it's not too big. The "village" I visited on Teusday was not on my GPS. That's too small!
  2. It's a college town. That adds something to a place to live.
  3. It's about a day's drive from almost everywhere -- the beach, Washington, DC, Chicago, Atlanta...the list goes on.
  4. We have four seasons, and none of them are completely extreme.
  5. It's a beautiful place to live. I remember being in Rocky Mountain National Park. The tour guide told us the mountains were beautiful in the fall when all the Aspen turned gold. One color?! Come to my state, and see FALL.



Blogger Lauralee Beth Torchia Provenzo said...

Those are interesting things about what makes where you live a good place.

2:01 AM  

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