Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Delicious Mystery

One of the lectionary readings for the week is the transfiguration story from Luke. I was browsing through the Tuesday Lectionary Leanings at RevGalBlogPals and found this quote:

It is no good inviting the congregation to envision themselves there on the mountain with the disciples; it taxes the imagination beyond credulity. (Texts for preaching, Year A, Brueggemann, et al)
Think about it. Sometimes I believe we take things for granted. Transfiguration. HoHum. They glowed white; whatever.

When we think about it, really think about it, it is, as Jupiter (in the above linked blogpost) a "delicious mystery." It is hard to believe; hard to imagine.

As I thought about that, my mind moved onto the idea of transformation. We say we are transformed by grace through the word of God. I wonder if we can even imagine it. I wonder if we can believe before our lives are changed that our lives we really be changed.

We think we can't do it -- that we can't live a life in God. And yet, even though we can't imagine it, God transforms us. We are changed in a way that is unimaginable.

It's a delicious mystery.

Image: From the RevGalBlogPals site.

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