Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Stand Alone Story

As we were driving through our neighborhood today, I noticed a Christmas decoration that made me think. It was a cross, wrapped in Christmas tinsel. As we passed it tonight, I noticed that it was covered in white lights.

I may be drawing conclusions the decorator didn't intend, but I don't think that Christmas is a tinsel wrapping around the cross. I know we know the "end of the story" and that Christ's walk led to a cross.

I would argue that we shouldn't allow the cross to overshadow the incarnation. We should celebrate the fact and our faith that Christ came to dwell among us. That's not tinsel -- it's not just something fun we do in December while we wait for Good Friday. It's an amazing and wonderful event that we celebrate.

Yes, we know the end of the story, but the beginning of the story is one of amazing grace, and it stands on its own.



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