Monday, December 28, 2009

Even in a Foreign Land

I was doing reading for my Disciple class today -- back at it after a December break. Today's reading was in the end of 1 Kings -- the beginning of the "Elijah cycle."

I pulled out my Biblical Atlas to follow Elijah's travels.

A drought comes to the country of Israel. God sends Elijah to Wadi Cherith, near the Jordon -- a location that is south of his hometown. A raven cares for him there. Once that water is gone, God sends him to Zarephath. Zarephath is a city in Phoenecia. I hadn't realized that before, and I hadn't realized how significant that is. Elijah is a prophet during the reign of Ahab in Israel. Ahab's wife is Jezebel. She is the daughter of the king of the Sidon, which is located in Phoenicia. Phoenicia is a hotbed of Baal worship.

Elijah goes to a foreign land where a foreign god is worshipped. He encounters a widow who gives him water and food. He sees to it that she does not run out of food during this drought. Her son dies, and Elijah heals him.

God sent Elijah into a foreign land where there were foreign Gods. Even in this place, God is ruler of all. His power is mighty, and he is in control.

Sometimes we are in a foreign land where we think God's control does not extend? This passage serves as an example that God will be present everywhere, and wherever he is, his power reigns, completely.

Image: Our dog, Molly. Image was taken by Steve.

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