Friday, November 13, 2009


Steve and I went to G's swim meet this evening, and we were drafted into being timers. The job of a timer is to stand with a lane, start a stopwatch when he race begins and to stop it when the the swimmer touches the pad.

We were paired on lane 1. I was the clipboard person, recording the times, and Steve had the "pickle." Both of us had a stopwatch, and we both timed our lane. Steve had to push two buttons at the end of each race -- his stopwatch and the plunger on the pickle (to stop the time on the scoreboard.)

This was an unanticipated volunteer position. It was a surprise. What is the benefit of an unanticipated event?

  • You don't have much of a chance to say "no" when you are asked. You just do it. God sometimes give us too long of a time to say "no".
  • Watch out -- you are going to get wet. When the giant kid fell into the pool rather than diving in, we all got splashed. Involvement weather you wanted it or not.
  • Non-anticipation can lead to unexpected enjoyment.



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