Thursday, September 17, 2009

Proverbs 31 Woman

One of the lectionary readings from this week is Proverbs 31. What do you think about it?

I went to a funeral this week, and this scripture was used to list the praises for the woman who had died.

On one hand, I don't mind the passage. It is a passage that describes a woman who could be called -- in anachronistic terms -- a Renaissance woman. She was into everything -- purchasing property, providing for her family, establishing a household. You name it; she was doing it.

On the other hand, and the reason I think this passage bothers me, is that it describes a woman's value based only on what she DOES rather than who she is. We are more than the sum of our actions.

When I am remembered, I hope it is because of the way I loved people; I hope it is for the grace I brought or the hope I created. I hope it is not just for what I did (or didn't do).

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Anonymous jtm said...

It is hard to describe someone without describing what they do. It seems to me that you hope to be remembered for things you have done. You have loved; you have brought grace; you have created hope. Those things you have done are evidence of who you are. It is the same with the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31. The actions described by the writer are the tangible evidence of her virtues. We are known by our fruit.

11:10 PM  
Anonymous jtm said...

I'd like to rephrase the first sentence of my comment. "It is hard to describe someone without describing what she does." Thank you.

11:13 PM  
Blogger bob said...

I agree with jtm but would go a step further. In a spiritual sense all that matters is our faith in Jesus. In a worldly sense all that matters is what we do. If we love but we don't take care of our families what good is it. likewise we can benefit people we don't neccessarily care about by doing good for them.

7:15 AM  

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