Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today I read I Kings 19. It's a great passage which describes Elijah fleeing from Jezebel as she threatens his life. A few things I noticed:

  • Elijah flees into the wilderness. Is he only running from Jezebel, or is he running from God? Or is he running to God?
  • Under the tree, he prays for God to take his life. God doesn't do that, but in the end, it is apparent that God has his life, anyway.
  • God provides for all of Elijah's needs, both for his physical body and for his spiritual well being. Elijah doesn't ask for it, but God knows what he needs.
  • I love how God comes in the Elijah in the "sheer silence." The wind, the earthquake and the fire might have been warnings, but God comes in sheer silence.
  • Once Elijah is restored, God gives him a mission. He meets all of Elijah's needs first, then tells him what he is to do.
  • Elijah anointed his successor, Elisha. He passes by him (which is a phrase used to describe what God did to Elijah) and then he throws his cloak over Elisha. I reminds me of the famous mantle passage that occurs later on.
  • Elisha gives up his life, saying good bye to all that he has known. Elijah had offered his life; God restored it. Elisha gives up the life he knew. I think that is an interesting parallel.

Great scripture.



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