Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Choosing Joy

I've always had problems with the idea of the "power of positive thinking." Yes, I do believe that the choice to have a positive attitude can make a difference in how we react to life and to how much we are open to the good which can come from anything. I've always worried, though, that the concept of powerful positive thinking could lead people to the idea that we can control what happens to us through positive thinking.

We are a society which believes that we have control. We value control; we covet control. We are very quick to believe that we can control our circumstances, and quick to grab hold of that positive thinking can be a way to control our lives.

I disagree.

I do believe that a positive attitude can make us more open to the work and presence of God in lives. I do think it makes a difference.

But today I read a passage from the Nouwen book Here and Now. He is talking about joy. Joy is a relationship with God. It is closeness to God. I have considered before that even the saddest circumstance can be a source of joy.

Nouwen talks about choosing joy; that we can choose to be joyful, even in the worst circumstances. Maybe I knew that, but I stopped what I was doing today to consider it. We can choose joy.

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