Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sense of Humor

A couple of months ago, I was a guest preacher for one Sunday. The lectionary reading of Isaiah 6:1-8 was part of the sermon. If you don't know by looking (I might not), that is the Isaiah passage that begins with "In the year that King Uziah died..." Isaiah ends by saying, "Here am I, send me."

The pastor of the church read the Old Testament reading, but he opened the Bible to the wrong book. He read Song of Solomon 6:1-8.

Here's part of it:
So where has this love of yours gone, fair one? Where on earth can he be? Can we help you look for him? Never mind. My lover is already on his way to his garden, to browse among the flowers, touching the colors and forms. I am my lover's and my lover is mine. He caresses the sweet-smelling flowers.
Way, way different passages.

I don't have any real point, except to share a funny story from the road. I would remind all of us of the folowing
  • We never know what's going to happen.
  • It pays to be prepared (I had he correct passage in my notes, and was able to read it during the sermon, since the sermon referred to it.).
  • It also is important to pay attention -- I was listening to him read, and knew pretty soon into the passage that he was in the WRONG place.
  • Expect the unexpected, and find the JOY in it, rather than the pain.
  • Lighten up. Laugh. Enjoy. Remember that you are created in the image of God and that God HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR. I mean, Song of Solomon?


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