Monday, August 17, 2009


Judy sang
over the people she loved,
over the people she met.
She shared loved
in a way
that made everyone
feel special.
To her, we all were.

The pictures
The cards
Her laugh
Her caring heart
Were all notes in her melody
Sounds of her love.
Reaching, touching
Grace from Judy
To know her,
Even from a distance,
Was to know
Her special song of love.

When the disease came,
Slowly, creeping like a shadow,
Blocking out the lights of her memory,
It seemed as if she had been silenced.

There is a song in every silence
And Judy's song echoed
Through those she loved,
Through those she touched.
Even in the silence
She sang.

Now the disease is vanquished.
Now she is healed.
Alzheimer's stretches death
But is does not win.
In her death, a resurrection,
At the last, a victory.
And her song, never silenced
Dances among us,
Over us.
Within us.

Inspiration: Hymn of Promise



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