Magnum Opus

For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.I was listening to a podcast the other morning. The host of the show was talking about the idea of a "magnum opus." She defined a magnum opus as a big work -- a large endeavor. She said that success or failure didn't define it; it's defining characteristic was its size.
1 Corinthians 1:25
The choir at our church lead worship last Sunday by presenting Mozart's Requiem. It was a huge endeavor. It required a very large amount of work. It was wonderful, and by any definition, I would say that it was a success. It was also a risk.
Could it be that is part of what it means to be foolish for Christ? Could it be that we need to release our preconceptions about success and failure and our own definitions of it? Could it be that without risk, there really is no success? Could it be that we are called to live a magnum opus life? A life of big risk for Christ? A life of faith and trust?
Image: Another one from the park
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